
How Does Divorce Affect Taxes

How Does Divorce Affect Taxes

Going through a divorce can be emotionally exhausting. It can also lead to major financial hits if you do not plan carefully.

Child Custody Rights for Fathers

Child Custody Rights for Fathers

During a divorce, child custody disputes can be particularly tense. One parent may feel that they would provide a better and more stable

Divorce and Retirement Accounts

Divorce and Retirement Accounts

Marital property is defined as any assets or debts accrued during the time of the marriage. With regard to retirement accounts

High Asset Divorce Attorney

High Asset Divorce Attorney

As with any divorce proceedings, the division of property generally focuses on dividing community property in a marriage.

Why Choose Certified Family Law Specialist Karen Brown

Why Choose Certified Family Law Specialist Karen Brown

We know that family law disputes can be fraught matters. With so many emotions involved and so much at stake,

How Are Bank Accounts Treated in A Divorce?

How Are Bank Accounts Treated in A Divorce?

For many divorcing couples, separating bank accounts is difficult and a source of animosity.

A Friendly Divorce: Can an Attorney Help Make This Happen?

A Friendly Divorce: Can an Attorney Help Make This Happen?

Divorces and separations can be very difficult for all members of a family, but they don’t always have to be. Sometimes divorces

Understanding Sole vs. Joint Custody

Understanding Sole vs. Joint Custody

When children are involved in a divorce or separation, custody can be a contentious issue.

Modification of Child Support in California

Modification of Child Support in California

Child support in California is typically paid from the non-custodial parent to the parent with primary or full physical custody.

California Law: Divorce and The Division of Assets and Debts

California Law: Divorce and The Division of Assets and Debts

Divorces can be difficult for a variety of reasons. The history between a couple can be fraught, and difficult proceedings